Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Guys Finish First

She is the most beautiful girl you have ever been out with. You dress up for her, you put on cologne, you spend as much time as possible with her. You find yourself actually thinking about marriage without a panic attack. This feminine, soft spoken Goddess takes you to heaven and then with tears in her eyes tells you she is going back to the jerk that treated her like sh_t. You wonder what this phenomenon is after you talk to other guys with similar stories. I can tell you from experience it's not your fault. There is no lack on your part, you are a handsome, tender, romantic guy. There is a syndrome that twenty something girls go through that is self-destructive and irrational. They cling to these bastards who are inconsiderate, not a gentleman and self-serving, in short, a user.

Don't become one of these guys, you are better than that. You will be the one she will cherish and love if you do take her back. If you do not, you will eventually find a girl that has been through this foolishness and will value all your good qualities. She will be thankful for you and never look sideways at the good looking bad boy that passes by. You want lasting love that is based on mutual respect; playing the bad boy role won't get that.

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