Monday, February 7, 2011

The Mother-In-Law

Take my mother-in-law please! Haven't we all heard tons of mother-in-law jokes. The vision of the poor husband putting up with his mother-in-law, suitcase in hand bursting through door is a common one. He sadly endures the sarcastic, criticizing woman to keep peace with his wife.

All you men who are looking to marry the girl of your dreams keep in mind that you are marrying her family as well. If you can not stand her mother, father or the whole lot of them you are in big trouble. Make no mistake about it, she will always have an allegiance to her family. She may criticize them, agree that they treat you badly but watch out, once married she will want everyone to be one big happy family. You will be with them on holidays and every family get together that comes along.

The other thing to consider is this. If you do not like her mother than you better be prepared for fate to kick you in the pants. The statistics show that most women end up being very much like their mothers. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and should be considered carefully. The angel you hold in your arms today could become the fire breathing dragon of tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard a few horror stories myself, but I also happen to know a few moms who are the bees knees!


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