Friday, April 15, 2011

Sex, The Importance Of Being Sexual, Not Earnest

I appeal to married men and women at this time. Sex is an important part of your life, it's a plain fact. Keep it alive and going strong from day one. Sex is more than an act, it bonds you together physically and spiritually. You may say, hey no problem, if you are newlyweds. Alas, as time goes by and babies come and grow, things definitely change. Most couples who stay for the long haul, (and that is what marriage SHOULD be about), have some dry spells. DO NOT let these dry spells sabotage your marriage. Stay the course and work on your sex life. Women most likely have the biggest struggle. I know women are sick of the books espousing, putting on the sexy negligees and seducing their husbands but there is some meat, (excuse the expression), to this. You have to be dedicated in keeping your sex life alive.  

Women, I realize we go through different phases in our lives, babies, menopause, alien metamorphoses or whatever. This aside, giving our men what they want and crave is not only good for a marriage, it fulfills a deep spiritual alliance. Men often times express their love sexually. We are sexual creatures by nature and we can not let a lethargic attitude upset the balance in marriage. I guess in plain words, don't say no to him even if you aren't in the mood. If your man is any good, a few maneuvers will have you squirming like a snake.

Men, you have a great part in this as well. Don't be a jerk. She is not going to look like a twenty-one year old after having two babies. Don't be critical, be encouraging. Even if she doesn't look that hot at the moment, she can again with your help. Remember, you are in this for the LONG HAUL. Women are capable of incredible feats. We can turn things around quite well if we put our minds to it. We just need a loving partner that spurs us on, not a overgrown teenager, looking at every good looking woman that passes by. That kind of behavior erodes your partner's desires toward you as well as her confidence in herself.

Make a decision to have sex twice a week or whatever number you BOTH agree on. Stick to this even if this idea offends your spontaneous nature. Believe me your man will not worry about this because he will be happy. You can bloody well put red marks on the calendar and he won't give a rats ass, as long as you follow through. The important thing is that you both connect in this way on a regular basis.

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